The Most Popular Medicare Supplement Plans in Utah

Let’s go over the most popular medicare supplement plans in Utah.


Plan F

Medicare supplement plan F is still the most popular plan in Utah.  Plan F is the Cadillac of all Medicare supplement plans. The reason it is the Cadillac of all plans, is because it basically covers 100% of what original Medicare doesn’t pick up. That means, you don’t pay any co-pays or co-insurance at all.


The reason a lot of people go with Plan F, is the simple fact that they don’t like dealing with medical bills (who does?).  Because Plan F is the highest level of Medicare supplements, it is also the most expensive. The price of plan F is going to depend on which company you go with (United Health Care, Aetna, Humana, etc) but plan F coverage does not change from company to company, the coverage is identical.


FYI, plan F is only available to those people whose medicare went into effect before January 1, 2020.  For those who are new to medicare in 2020, don’t worry, plan G is super good too!


Pros:  No out-of-pocket expenses
Cons:  High premium


See also “Medicare plan F vs Plan G in Utah


Plan G

Medicare Supplement Plan G it’s almost as popular as Plan F. The only difference between Plan F and Plan G, is that with Plan G, you pay the Medicare Part B deductible. Which in 2020, is $198 per year.


The nice thing about plan G is, you will save on average of about $30 to $50 per month by going with Plan G vs Plan F. So mathematically speaking, Plan G is a better deal because you will save more money in the long run.


Because you are on the hook for the Medicare part B deductible, you have to plan to pay that $198 before your medicare supplement plan G will start paying for part B services like doctor vistits.  But even with paying the $198 deductible, you will still end up saving a ton of money.


Pros: Much cheaper premium than plan F
Cons: You pay the $198 part B deductible per year


Plan N

Medicare supplement plan N is the next most popular plan in Utah.  Plan N is similar to plan G in that you have to pay the $198 part B deductible.  You also have to pay up to a $20 co payment for doctor visits and up to a $50 co payment for emergency room.  You also have to pay what is called the part B excess charge. This is the amount a doctor can charge up and above the medicare approved amount. 


Plan N is usually about $20 to $30 cheaper than plan G in most circumstances.


Pros: Cheaper premium
Cons: you pay part b deductible, doctor copays, emergency copays, and excess charges


These are the most popular medicare supplement plans in Utah.  But when it comes to Medicare plans, there is no one-size-fits-all plan.  Everybody’s situation is unique and everybody has their own preferences.  This is why it is so important that you go over all of your options with a Medicare broker to help you make the best decision possible.


See also “types of medicare advantage plans in Utah”.


1 thought on “The Most Popular Medicare Supplement Plans in Utah”

  1. Pingback: Medicare Plan F vs Plan G in Utah - Professional Insurance Solutions

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